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Setting up a company/organisational mentoring scheme

Mentoring - Is a type of learning where the mentee is helped to talk and think through their important issues. It is a space to reflect, to consider their mentor's experiences, and plan future action. It can be used for staff retention, supporting diversity, succession planning and leadership development. Mentees should not be mentored by their line managers. This is different for performance coaching. Mentoring is more long-term than coaching and can last several years. 

The benefits to you

  • More motivated and committed staff
  • Greater understanding of the talents in the organisation
  • Once it has been developed you can run the scheme with an internal coordinator
  • More creative staff (mentees and mentors)
  • You can find out what works and why so that you can reproduce it at a later date

Company mentoring schemes can help to equalise opportunities for women and minorities who often struggle to find mentors the traditional way. Any company wishing to improve diversity especially with regards to succession planning should have a company mentoring scheme that focuses on personal-professional development and career progression.

Click here for a Free copy of our 'Career Mentoring for Women' Guide


Training Courses

Coaching starts from where you are now and helps you get to where they want to be.
Coaching Services

Is a type of learning where the mentee is helped to talk and think through their important issues.

Consultation is a way of finding out the views of people. For instance of customers, the general public, employees.
Consultation and Evaluation

Our approach to event management with the general public is based on a good understanding of community development principles.
Event Management

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